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How will Speech and Language Therapy help my child?

How will Speech and Language Therapy help my child?

Speech and Language Therapy can be beneficial for all children who need some support with their communication. Effective communication is fundamental to a child's development. It impacts every aspect of their life, from academic success to social interactions and emotional well-being. Research has shown that early support in speech and language leads to better outcomes for children, helping them achieve their full potential. We believe that Speech and Language Therapists have a specialist and unique role in supporting children and families in their journeys.

Speech and Language Therapy can help address a wide range of communication support needs, at My Journey we work with children with a range of support needs including:  

  • Speech Sound Disorders
  • Early Language Difficulties
  • Non-speaking, minimally-speaking or unreliably speaking (note we do not use the term non-verbal, as non-speaking children often have good understanding of language)
  • Developmental Language Disorder
  • Challenges understanding neurotypical social cues and communication
  • Understanding non-literal language including idioms
  • Pre-school stammer
  • Language Processing Difficulties
  • Selective Mutism

Our therapists help children with the above support needs through direct sessions where we may:

  • Conduct direct work to teach the client certain speech sounds and how to say these in words
  • Support the client to discover an Alternative and Augmentative Communication (AAC) system to express themselves freely
  • Support parents to learn strategies to support their children at home
  • Give the client strategies to minimise the impact of their communication challenges such as Shape Coding ™ to support grammar
  • Support clients to understand themselves, and to advocate for themselves
  • Support clients to understand neurotypical and neurodivergent communication and the double empathy problem
  • Support clients to move through the stages of Gestalt Language Development

Our therapists also work indirectly to support clients to achieve their goals including:

  • Providing training to parents, nurseries, schools, colleges and local services
  • Programming AAC systems and keeping them up to date
  • Creating communication passports in collaboration with parents
  • Writing reports to support Education Health and Care Needs Assessments (EHCNA) or to contribute to an Education Health and Care Plan (EHCP)
  • Creating Speech and Language Therapy programs and advice for schools to support clients to achieve their goals in their educational setting

Our Speech and Language Therapists are highly trained and experienced professionals who have the required skills, understanding, knowledge, and neurodiversity affirming approach to support your child with their Speech, Language, and Communication so that they can achieve their full potential.