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Understanding Child Language Development

Child Language Development

Two types of Language Development

Research suggests that children can develop language in two main ways:

Analytic Language Development More Info
• Gestalt Language Development More Info

Use the information below to work out if your child is likely to be primarily an Analytic Language Processor or a Gestalt Language Processor.

Analytic Language Development

Analytic Language Development is the more commonly recognised way that children develop language. In typical development children first start to say individual words and sounds, around their first birthday, start to put words together around aged 2 and start to make sentences around aged 3.

Examples of Analytic Language Development:
• A child points to a dog and says, "dog."
• Later, they might say, "big dog" or "dog running."
• Eventually they will say things like, "The big dog is running fast."

Gestalt Language Development

Gestalt Language Development is another natural way children acquire language. Instead of focusing on single words, children learn language in larger chunks or "gestalts”. These chunks can be phrases, sentences, single words, or even longer strings of language that they have heard and remembered.

Examples of Gestalt Language Development:
• A child hears the phrase "time to go" and uses it in similar contexts.
• Over time, they may break down the phrase and mix and match this for example, “time to play” and “go”.

Children Who Need Support with their Language Development

Both Analytic Language Processors (ALPs) and Gestalt Language Processors (GLPs) may need support with their language development at some point in their communication journey. Here are our top tips:

For Analytic Language Processors:
• Model language using the ALP Aided Language Boards in our shop.
• Encourage vocabulary growth by naming objects, actions, and people.
• Use simple, clear sentences and expand on what the child says.
• Provide opportunities for the child to combine words and form sentences.

For Gestalt Language Processors:
• Model language using the GLP Aided Language Boards in our shop.
• Model language using chunks or phrases relevant to the child’s experiences.
• Respect and acknowledge the use of echolalia (when a child repeats phrases, sentences or words they have heard others use or heard on media) as a natural developmental stage.
• Follow your child’s lead, they will let you know when they are ready to move onto the next stage of their language development.

At My Journey SLT, we understand the unique needs of both Analytic and Gestalt Language Processors. Our neurodiversity-affirming approach ensures that we respect and celebrate each child’s natural way of developing language. We offer tailored support and resources to help every child communicate effectively and confidently.

For more information or to discuss your child’s language development, please contact us. We are here to support you and your child on their communication journey.