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Now and Next board with Routine Symbols


How to Create and Use the Now and Next Board and Routine Cards at Home

Step 1: Print out the Now and Next Board and two copies of the Routine Cards using single-sided printing.

Step 2: Laminate all the documents to protect them from wear and tear.

Step 3: Cut out the routine symbols from one page of the routine cards.

Step 4: Attach double-sided Velcro dots or tape (or Blu-Tack) to both the back of the cut-out routine symbols and the corresponding routine symbols on the routine cards page. This will allow you to attach and detach the routine symbols easily while keeping them organised and in the same place.

Step 5: Place Velcro dots or tape onto the now and next board, ready to attach the routine symbols.

Step 6: Position the now and next board at your child's height. Many parents find it helpful to place it on the fridge or a wall in the living area.

Step 7:

·         Show your child the now and next board.

·         Take the routine symbols and place them on the board in order.

·         Explain what activities are planned, e.g., "now breakfast – next get dressed”.

·         Once the first item is finished take this off the board and say, for example, “breakfast is finished, next get dressed”.

Do this for each activity and transition, and build it into your daily routine.

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